Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Blog Updates

In case you didn't notice, I tought I'd point out some changes I made recently...

First, if you look up in the title box you'll see a new quote by Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring. I love this quote - it really reflects one of the biggest wishes I have for my future child. I also hope to instill a deep appreciation for the natural world, so it's a bonus that this quote is from such a person.

Next, I've updated the links on the right side of the blog. I added a couple new China and adoption links and links to the blogs of fellow AltDTCers - short for alternative. It's a group of super down to earth open-minded parents with 2006 LIDs who get together on a message board for discussion, support and a lot of fun - without all of the religiosity, ladybug, redthread fluff that seems to creep into other DTC boards.

Finally, if you scroll past the blog links you'll see the new FAQ section. Here you can link directly to the answers to all of those burning questions you have about our adoption. There are only 2 links now, but this section will keep growing so check back often.

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