Tuesday, November 20, 2007

19 Months LID

We have been logged in at CCAA and waiting for referral for 19 months. It's starting to seem ridiculous to keep track every month.


walternatives said...

True, it does seem kind of silly, but then again, it feels damn good to notice that another month is PAST, damnnit. 19 is a pretty impressive number, girlfriend. I'll celebrate it with you.

Rhonda said...

Happy 19 month LIDiversary!

wzgirl said...

I def feel you on this one. You are almost out of the teens, though - that is a trip, isn't it? Here's to toasting the trippyness of it all - and to your endurance! XO

Kayce said...

Happy 19!!!

AmyO said...

Congrats - hang in there!