Tuesday, March 06, 2007

March Stork Alert

Congratulations to families with LIDs from October 14 through October 24! Your referrals are here! The China adoption community is abuzz with excitement and anticipation to see your babies' sweet faces!

For the rest, the referral pace continues to inch along, slowing like the freight train on the morning commute - you know the one that comes just as you approach the crossing with only minutes to make your first meeting...and after the gates are down it slows, mocking you...and now it's slowing even more and you can almost hear its evil chuckle...it's barely moving...a mile long string of cars inching along the tracks ever. so. slowly. You wonder if you'll even make it to work today...yup, that's what our wait is feeling like right now.

3/7 Update: Dossiers logged in through March 31, 2006 have been reviewed. Looks like we're definitely in the review room! Someone at the CCAA is going over our dossier with a fine toothed comb to judge whether or not we are worthy to adopt from China. This also means they're look at our photos - and several of you family and friends out there are in them! Smile!


walternatives said...

And sometimes it feels like the train has jumped the tracks. But I'm in it for the long haul. Good to know that you're in review - another milestone.

Anne Marie said...

Yay, so glad you are in review. One more hurdle down!

Anonymous said...

inch by inch, row by row. . .