Friday, February 27, 2009

Homestudy Update #3

We just had a visit with our homestudy social worker for our third update - our state requires annual updates plus our I-171H immigration approval is due to expire soon and we need to send an update with our renewal. It was a good meeting and it was nice to be able to gently vent about the state of our concurrent adoption attempt and the fact that it's looking more and more like we will be forced into a very difficult decision soon. When we started the concurrent, the timing was such that we would either have a child(ren) at least one year before our China referral as required, or we would know for sure that it would not happen and we would proceed as normal with the China process.

Now because of extreme stalling in the concurrent country and because it looks like we will see a China referral sometime between this fall and next spring, it's looking more and more like we are going to be forced into a very difficult decision.

We must have at least one year between placements. If it comes down to us having to choose, do we go with the process that is a sure thing, just very slow (China) or do we go with the process for which we already have referral (photos and all) but for which it's apparent the home country is trying to discourage adoptions to the US and it may never really happen?

I'm feeling very resentful that we're being backed into this corner and I really hope we get news from the concurrent country in the next week or two - one way or another.


HuluMama said...

I hope things work out that you will NOT have to make the decision. Sending good vibes your way.

Dee said...

Feeling backed into a corner really sucks. I'm sorry that both countries are making you choose.

Kelli said...

Oh this is so hard for you! I'm sorry that you are facing such a hard decision....just do what feels right for your hearts, but the worst part is, it's going to be hard either way. sending you hugs...