Wednesday, August 20, 2008

28 Months LID

Our dossier has been officially logged in in China since April 20, 2006 - 28 months. Referrals continue to drag and our current guesstimate of referral is late 2009 based on number of days referred per month (the only number we have to work with, unfortunately).

We ultimately want more than one child and it's looking like our chances of those children coming from the same country (China) is limited. As I said last month we are working on a possible concurrent adoption and will update you all if anything comes of it. We're very excited about the possibilities and are really looking forward to completing our family.


Kayce said...

Happy 28!

Keep the faith.

Rhonda said...

28 down...

Kelli said...

Another month down...happy 28...let's hope that there are fewer months in FRONT of you than behind you!

Nina said...

Good luck with the concurrent adoption!

And here's to a speed up in China, too :)