Sunday, February 12, 2006

Rednecks and Child Safety

Our good friend got free tickets to see Jeff Foxworthy last night - you know " might be a redneck". He was hilarious. He did a little talk about how we raise children differently these days compared to when he was growing up and a few things hit so close to home I almost hyperventilated laughing:

Today a 5 year old gets a computer - we got wooden paddles with a red rubber ball attached with a rubber band. When the ball snapped off, the paddle went to mom for future use...

Today kids playgrounds are so much more interesting and safe - we had the metal swing sets that were never properly cemented in the groud so when anyone swung more than 4 feet off the groud the entire frame would tip...

He also mentions lawn darts - remember Jarts? We had them! The real ones - the heavy metal ones!

What a difference 2-3 decades make!


Anonymous said...

Too funny! YEP my Mom had more than one of the wooden paddles MINUS the ball! Our Swingset always lifted up when we were swinging... and the funniest of all .... JARTS! I played this endlessly as Charlie (my husband of course!) told me "I'll marry you tomorrow if you get both jarts in the ring"! So I tried like crazy! I had him sweating a couple of times! LOL

Valeri said...

I used to LOVE those paddle balls when I was a kid!